Our Organic Wild Maine Blueberry Products

Highland Organics® introduces the first-ever
Organic Whole Plant Wild Maine Blueberry Tea and
Organic Blueberry Barque.

Our premium loose leaf tea is hand-crafted with the sun sweetened blueberry fruit of summer and the crimson-red blueberry leaves of fall. We combined both for a taste of wild Maine blueberries in every cup. Our whole plant blueberry tea is already naturally caffeine-free, so what could be better!

The Blueberry Barque (pronounced bark) is a truly wild Maine blueberry treat. No sugars, sulphites or oils added to this blueberry chip. Add it to yogurt, ice cream, salads, sweet breads, cereals instead of frozen blueberries. It is a taste of wild Maine blueberries in every bite!

Product Demonstrations in Maine Stores

As the new year presents itself, we are excited about the new opportunities to introduce our products to new stores. We will post where we will be doing demonstrations of the tea and barque so that you can take advantage of coming into these stores to have a taste of wild Maine blueberries for free!

Below is a list of the following stores that we will be at.

Stop in and say hello, we thank you for supporting the stores that support our farm.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Late Blueberry Harvest

This has been a very different year for blueberries. Normally we harvest berries at the end of July and certainly by the first of August, this year we started harvesting berries on 8/10 because we have to try and get the berries out of the field before my work force heads back to school! Right now we have parts of our fields that have all green-blueberries in it. This is not good and with all the rain, what is ripe is popping due to too much water.

We had to make a very difficult decision to not harvest our berries for Grade A fresh or frozen berries this year as our main function of the field has been to harvest and sell wholesale here on the farm to our customers and to CSA's. This was hard as this means that our loyal customers from years past have to try to find another grower to supply them their fruit. This also greatly impacts us as we depend on selling fruit to pay our workers and maintain our frields. Our up side is that we do have our value-added product of blueberry tea and a new product that we are currently in the development stage of and hope to have it out by September.

We have been trying to ease out of wholesale work for fresh blueberries and go all value-added anyway. So guess we do it this year and jump into full time with the value-added products. Tom and I have been so blessed by all of our customers and now we need those of you who were thinking about harvesting organic berries for fresh pack to step forward because the demand is high!

Hopefully warmer and drier days are ahead for the month of August and that a summer September is on the way!!

About Tea

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Stockton Springs, Maine, United States
Introducing the first-ever Organic Whole Plant Wild Maine Blueberry Tea. Our hand-crafted premium loose tea is made with sun-sweetened blueberry fruit of summer and the crimson-red blueberry leaves of fall. Combined to give you a "taste of wild Maine blueberries in every cup." Check out www.organicblueberrytea.com to read more. And now our newest product, Organic Blueberry Barque. A truly wild Maine blueberry treat!

Premium Loose Tea

Premium Loose Tea
"...Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing." EZEKIEL 47:12

Organic Blueberry Barque

Organic Blueberry Barque
A truly wild Maine blueberry treat